Jim Whitman has been working with wood for more than forty years. He started woodworking as a hobby while directing his graphic design studio in Clifton, New Jersey. In 1973 Jim and his family moved to a farm in rural Lafayette, New Jersey. Jim built a barn to house his wood shop hobby. During this time he was introduced to the Peters Valley Craft Education Center in nearby Layton, New Jersey. He was inspired by many great teachers taking classes from some of woodworking s eminent personalities such as Tage Frid, Sam Maloof, Jere Osgood, Mack Headley and Toshio Odote. Jim was so passionate about the mission of teaching crafts that he served on the Peters Valley Board of Directors for twenty years. In 2001 Jim retired from his graphics business and the Peters Valley Board to continue with his ever increasing woodworking commissions as well as teaching and consulting. Jim says, I am so lucky to be able to work at what I love.