Vinod Singh is a seasoned technical professional who has worked for two decades with software industry. Currently he is a senior cloud architect with IBM's cloud flagship offering Bluemix supporting customers across the world. Vinod's experience with networking and data communication spans software design, development and testing. The Cloud, Cognitive, and Linux are his passions and he feels Cognitive computing is once again going to change the world. Vinod's experience with the latest design thinking techniques, agile & lean methods, and extreme programing was very fruitful and has been a tremendous help in making cloud deals across the world.
Vinod is a regular speaker at IBM's internal conferences, IEEE conferences, and technology meetups. Vinod's latest day job revolves around IBM BlueMix, Cloud Foundry, Softlayer, OpenStack, Amazon AWS.
Vinod wants to acknowledge his wife for regularly reminding him to complete the chapters of the book. His wife's extra ordinary support at home enables Vinod to run that extra mile in professional life.