15 books • 2 series
Monarquias y Revoluciones
Caballeros Medievales
Medieval Knights (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Monarchs and Revolutions (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Renaissance and Reformation (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
The Coming of Civilization (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
The Twentieth Century (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Power For the People (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
The Old Regime and the Revolution (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
The Birth of Modern Europe (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
The Middle Ages (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Europe Finds the World (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Barbarians, Christians and Muslims (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Romans and Their Empire (Cambridge Introduction to the History of Mankind, #2) (Cambridge Introduction to World History)
Men Become Civilised: Volume 1 (Cambridge Introduction to World History)