Mark is a writer/artist who has worked for DC Comics, Image Comics and Arcana Studio. He is best known for his children's book series, A CAT NAMED HAIKU, which was nominated for Best Single Issue Story in the 2011 Eagle Awards. It was recently adapted as an animated short for Top Buzz starring DC's Legends of Tomorrow's Kiefer O'Reilly as Haiku and Mark as Haiku's owner. He co-wrote SAVAGE HAWKMAN for DC Comics during the New 52. He relaunched Rob Liefeld's AVENGELYNE at Image Comics in 2011. Once it finished publication, AVENGELYNE ran as an acclaimed webcomic series at where it amassed a readership over 500,000. His latest book, an all-ages graphic novel, PIZZA TREE, was co-written with his 7 year old son, Chase, and was recently nominated for BEST KIDS GRAPHIC NOVEL in the 2018 Ringo Awards.