17 books
The Grain of Mustard Seed
The Poems of Winthrop Mackworth Praed, Vol. 2 of 2: With a Memoir (Classic Reprint)
The Scriptural Character of the English Church
Compulsory Education and Rate-Payment (Classic Reprint)
Essays and Marginalia. Edited by His Brother Volume 1
Compulsory education and rate-payment a speech delivered at a meeting of the London Diocesan Board
The Scriptural Character of the English Church Considered in a Series of Sermons, with Notes and Illustrations
A Letter on the National Society's Training-College for Schoolmasters, Stanley Grove, Chelsea, Adressed to the REV. John Sinclair
Lives of Northern Worthies. Edited by His Brother. a New Ed., with the Corrections of the Author, and the Marginal Observations of S.T. Coleridge
Lives of Northern Worthies
The Poems of W. M. Praed. Revised and complete edition, with a memoir by ... Derwent Coleridge.
Notes, Theological, Political, and Miscellaneous
The Poems of Winthrop Mackworth Praed Volume 01
Poems Volume 2
The Education of the People
The Poems of Winthrop Mackworth Praed
The Poems of Winthorp Mackworth Praed, Volume I