21 books
On the Threshold of Mystery
Allihora (Other Country)
The Coma
Tales of the Reverse Side
Asleep and Awake (Short Stories)
The Love Through Eternity (Svyazannye Vechnostiyu)
On the Unknown Paths
The Horrors of Skamond
Polygon of Evil
Under the Pirate Flag
And Came the Era of Tangil
Insurgent. History of Modern Vampire
The Artifact
The progressive schizophrenia
The Truthful Tale about the Prince Ivan and the King Dragomir
The Notebook of Gloomy Verses (Tetrad' Sumrachnyh Virshey)
Aeternum Bellum (Endless War)
Aeternum Bellum (Endless War). Roman Trilogy
Lord of the Two Worlds 2