Philip Lymbery is Chief Executive of the international farm-animal-welfare organisation Compassion in World Farming. He has played a leading role in many major animal welfare reforms, including Europe-wide bans on veal crates for calves and barren battery cages for laying hens. He also spearheaded Compassion’s engagement with more than 1,000 food companies worldwide, leading to genuine improvements in the lives of more than two billion farm animals every year. He was appointed an ambassadorial 'Champion' for the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.

A columnist for the Scotsman, his first book, Farmageddon, was listed as a Book of the Year by The Times. His other books are Dead Zone and Sixty Harvests Left. A visiting professor at the University of Winchester, he is also a keen ornithologist.

Mar 9, 2017
Cover of Dead Zone

Dead Zone

Jan 30, 2014
Cover of Farmageddon
