Jennifer Bryant is a writer and podcaster at She interviews influencers all over North America to encourage mothers to live out their calling in strength and grace. She is the host of the Practical Family Podcast and coaches moms through their homeschooling journey.Jennifer holds a degree in Christian Studies (Bible Theology and Philosophy), certification in Christian apologetics and Master's level training in education. She hosts book studies with women and families in person and online on motherhood, parenting, and Biblical education.She and her husband Bruce have been married 15 years and together they own (he operates) the best fish taco shop in town. They live just outside of Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii and are raising two precious pre-teens and enjoying homeschooling in Hawaii and on the road as often as they can travel.Follow her fun videos of family and mom life on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Podcast interviews available on YouTube.