How do you know when someone is a completely formed disciple of Jesus Christ? I once heard Dr Dow Robinson teaching on the Apostle Paul's parting words to the elders of the church at Ephesus. Speaking of the three years he spent with them, Paul tells them, "...For I did not shrink from declaring to you the WHOLE counsel of God." (Acts 20:27). Dr Bill Gothard said that he asked God how he could know the point when a disciple has completed his training. God pointed him to Matthew 28:19, where Jesus instructed them, "...Teaching them to obey ALL the commandes I have given you." So, that's where I focus my efforts with our young men: A three year course of character training using the commands and teachings (and model) of Jesus. After this course they are considered "friends" (John 15:15), rather than continuing in a perpetual state of discipleship. - Joseph Holbrook