Maura Poston Zagrans interviewed a wide spectrum of professionals and academics in writing this nonfiction narrative of Reverend David T. Link. To get the full story, she went behind the razor wire, where she spoke with and photographed prisoners at maximum-, medium-, and minimum-security facilities. Maura, a mother of six, is author of Miracles Every Day: The Story of One Physician’s Inspiring Faith and the Healing Power of Prayer.

Reverend David T. Link became an ordained priest in 2008, at the age of seventy-one. An attorney-at-law, he is also Founding President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, Australia and Dean Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame Law School. He was the recipient of both the Young Federal Lawyer Award and the Secretary of the Treasury Award for exceptional service to the United States during the Kennedy Administration. Active in civil rights since the 1960s, Link co-founded the Center for the Homeless in South Bend. Married for 45 years to the late Barbara Link, Father Dave is a legal author, international lecturer, father of five, and grandfather of fourteen.