Diane Jackson is originally from Northern Ireland. She worked in theatre, event management, and as a researcher and writer before becoming a mum to three daughters. She lives in Dublin, Ireland with her family and recently gained a masters in applied spirituality, from which this book was born. She is by now a veteran of the school gate, and yet knows there is still much to be learned there about the ways in which God is present in the practice of encounter.
Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bullfinch


Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Brown Bear

Brown Bear

Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Brent Goose

Brent Goose

Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bull Shark

Bull Shark

Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bull


Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Budgerigar


Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bullfrog


Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bush Dog

Bush Dog

Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bustard


Oct 6, 2020
Cover of Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee

Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Bearded Vulture

Bearded Vulture

Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Bees


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Beaver


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Blackbird


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Belgian Horse

Belgian Horse

Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Beetle


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Binturong


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Bison


Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Black Grouse

Black Grouse

Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Black Bear

Black Bear

Oct 5, 2020
Cover of Beluga Whale

Beluga Whale