During the time that Jon has developed the Oonga Frank series, he has operated private businesses, worked as a government official, and managed community, not-for-profit agencies. Most of his work has been related to matters of disability - providing training, developing mobility aids, creating employment opportunities, and engaging in policy and community development.
Jon's recreational activities have included woodworking, canoeing and kayaking, archery, and a brief but spectacular attempt at downhill skiing. He has also been a member of the Canadian National Wheelchair Racquetball Team.
In 2013, Jon received the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Anniversary Medal for his community service work. He currently lives in Victoria, British Columbia with his wife, Vanora, after spending over 20 years in the Yukon. Jon is currently working on his PhD in social work at the University of British Columbia.
If you have any comments about this book, Jon can be reached at jon@jonbreen.ca...