15 books • 1 series
Classic Memoirs (Classic Reprint)
Correspondance de Charles-Quint Et d'Adrien VI (Classic Reprint)
L'Empire, Ode À Napoléon
The Autobiography of the Emperor Charles V. - Primary Source Edition
Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V and His Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France; From the Original Letters in the Imperial Family Arch
La Revolution de Fevrier: Poeme (Histoire)
Inventaire Du Mobilier de Charles V, Roi de France, (16)
Retraite Et Mort de Charles-Quint Au Monast Re de Yuste (1); Lettres in Dites
Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and His Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France; From the Original Letters in the Imperial Family Archives at Vienna with a Connecting Narrative and Biographical Notices of the Emperor and
Royal Memoirs
Correspondenz Des Kaisers Karl V, Mitgetheilt Von K. Lanz
Romuli Amasei de Pace Oratio Habita Bononiae Cal. Jan. MDXXX. NEC Non Caroli V. Oratio Ad Hispanos de Suo in Italiam Discessu A. 1529
Correspondenz Des Kaisers Karl V.
Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V. and His Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France
The Autobiography of the Emperor Charles V.