Anthony Walsh, Professor of Criminology at Boise State University, received his PhD from Bowling Green State University at the ripe old age of 43. He has field experience in law enforcement and corrections. He is the author of over 150 journal articles/book chapters and 34 books, including Biology and Criminology (Routledge, 2009), Feminist Criminology Through a Biosocial Lens (Carolina Academic Press, 2011), Law, Justice, and Society (with Craig Hemmens, Oxford University Press, 2011), Correctional Assessment, Casework, and Counseling (with Mary K. Stohr, American Correctional Association, 2011), The Neurobiology of Criminal Behavior: Gene-Brain-Culture Interaction (with Jon Bolen, Ashgate, 2012), Corrections: The Essentials (with Mary K. Stohr, SAGE, 2012), The Science Wars: The Politics of Gender and Race (Transaction, 2013), Criminological Theory: Assessing Philosophical Assumptions (Anderson/Elsevier, 2014), Biosociology: Bridging the Biology-Sociology Divide (Transaction, 2014), and Criminology: The Essentials (Sage, 2015). His interests include the biosocial criminology, statistics, and criminal justice assessment and counseling.