Matthew was raised in a Baptist church and was led to the Lord at the tender age of eight. He has experienced some pain and darkness in his life, which has given him a deep compassion and love for all people. Today, he's a founding member and admin of a Facebook group called "Prophetic Training Group," and he invites you to join him there. Matthew has a commission from the Lord to train up prophets and to mentor others in the Christian faith. He does this through his Facebook posts and by writing relevant books on the Christian faith. God has commissioned him to write at least fifty books in his life, and he spends his days writing and earning the money to self-publish. You can support him by donating money at http: // or by requesting any of the other services available through his ministry website. Recently, the Lord has put it on his heart to start his own publishing company called Christian Book Publishing USA. It is Matthew's hope to help other people self-publish their books in the future. Matthew prays that this book has blessed you, and he hopes it will lead you into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.