Christine Mason is currently the founder and CEO of Rosebud Woman, an intimate wellness line that invites a new conversation about women, women's bodies, self-care and power. She's also the cofounder of New Earth Mandala, a meditation retreat, farm and garden on Hawai'i. Her previous work as a tech CEO and technology futurist has given way to a more organic look at the future of our species. She holds a MBA from the JL KelloggSchool at Northwestern University and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Northwestern, with a senior thesis in Arab Nationalism. She is a devotional singer, an enthusiastic adventurer, and a science nerd who studies plant medicine, cryptocurrency and biohacking. Her social service work is focused on yoga in action: women's equity, restorative justice and internet freedom. She has lived and traveled all over the world, and speaks French and German. She is a mother of 4 and grandmother.