Steven F. Daniel is originally from London, England, but lives in Australia.He is the owner and founder of GENIESOFT STUDIOS (, a software development company based in Melbourne, Victoria, that currentlydevelops games and business applications for the iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.Steven is an experienced software developer with more than 13 years of experience developing desktop and web-based applications for a number of companies including,insurance, banking and fi nance, oil and gas, and local and state government.Steven is always interested in emerging technologies, and is a member of the SQL Server Special Interest Group (SQLSIG) and the Java Community. He has been the co-founder and Chief Technology Offi cer (CTO) of SoftMpire Pty Ltd., a company that focused primarily on developing business applications for the iOS and Android platforms.He is the author of Xcode 4 iOS Development Beginner's Guide, iOS 5 Essentials, and iPad Enterprise Application Development Blueprints. You can check out his blog at, or follow him on twitter at