Christiane Joy Allison is a multi-award-winning author, public speaker, and activist. Her book, "Where is Uncle?," the first children's picture book for children experiencing the wrongful conviction of a loved one, won five Honorable Mentions in the 2018 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards. In 2018 she was also awarded a Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Project Award as well as a Lin Halterman Memorial Grant from the Alaska Writers Guild. She now serves as President of the Alaska Writers Guild President while writing and publishing her current dystopian cyberpunk novel series, The Infinitus Saga. The memorable characters include a disabled family inspired by her disability and life-long battle with chronic illness, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). Sometimes she walks with a cane, sometimes she rides in a wheelchair, and sometimes she needs neither. Her disability is as unpredictable as her life. Her husband was wrongfully convicted in 2015, launching her family into a decade-long struggle against injustice, and inspiring her award-winning series of children's picture books for kids impacted by the adverse childhood experience (ACE) of the incarceration of a loved one. As an activist, Christiane battles for criminal justice and prison reform and aspires to give prisoner families a voice.