Canadian by birth, Vaughn Roste currently lives in Indiana. He is a published author of books, plays, poems, peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, program notes for CD liners and Carnegie Hall, and a doctoral dissertation. His first book, The Xenophobe's Guide to the Canadians, was published by Oval Books in England. He has two WWII films currently in pre-production, ORADOUR and THE NINE LIVES OF WALKER HARRIS. His 20-min short film FIREFIGHTER was produced by M3 Studios and is available on Youtube, and another script entitled WORST. FILM. EVER. is scheduled to be shot later in 2023 by Milepost42 Studios. His stage play, THE NAME OF THE GAME won the Leo Award for Best Overall Script at the 2021 Da Vinci International Film Festival for Best Overall Script, beating out features and shorts - the first time a play has been awarded this prize. He is represented by Jason Bellitto at Citizen Skull.