Since the late 1990s, Laurie Ulrich has authored and co-authored more than 20 books on computers, software, and their creative and effective use. Recent publications include ""Restoring and Retouching with Photoshop Elements 2,"" and ""The Photoshop Complete Reference,"" establishing her expertise in photo restoration and creating original graphics for print and the Web,"""" In addition to writing computer books, Laurie teaches at local universities, corporate training centers, and for her own clients--she has trained more than 10,000 people to use computers and software since the early 1980s, and will be training many more, as her training expands to online and CD-based courses in early 2004. Laurie also runs her own firm, Limehat & Company, Inc., providing general computer consulting with a focus on marketing and making effective use of the Web.
Despite the obvious focus on computers, Laurie also finds time for her husband, Robert Fuller (who wrote Chapter 18 in this book), and for her family, which includes three cats and several humans. You can read more about Laurie at, where you can find links to her other Web sites and information on causes near and dear to her heart.