Pamela Jackson was born with gills. Well, not really, but given the depth of her love for all things under the sea, she might as well have been. A professional Aquarist, children's book author and Head Content Developer for the internationally acclaimed EverythingOceans(R) social media campaign, Pamela's life mission is to inspire and equip the next generation to become powerful ocean stewards. Known for her unparalleled ability to demystify the animals that call the ocean home, Pamela's love affair with aquatic life began when she was just five years old. While other little girls took their dolls wherever they went, Pamela took Goldie-the goldfish she won at the state fair. Fast forward a few years and Pamela's home practically transformed into an underwater reef-complete with various salt water tanks and countless ocean species. Pamela went on to graduate with honors from the esteemed Aquarium and Aquaculture Science Program at Saddleback College in California and quickly became known as a distinguished marine ocean educator in public aquarium facilities. Today, she's a sought-after speaker that partners with parents and teachers worldwide in educating children about ocean life and the importance of ocean conservation. Pamela lives steps away from the ocean in Southern California and enjoys watching pods of dolphins and whales swim in their natural environment from her living room with her husband, David.