Deborah Cullins Smith has been writing stories ever since she could hold a pencil, but she came to her actual career in writing rather late in life. After dabbling in poetry and inspirational articles for several years, she dove into the deep end of the fantasy pool and found her true love in fiction writing.In 2019, she published the trilogy, The Last of the Long-Haired Hippies, in a rapid release timed for the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, which she covered in great detail in the second volume. CWG Press released Shroud of Darkness, The Birth of the Storm and Victoria's War over a four month period, a culmination of almost twenty years in development.That same year, Ms. Cullins Smith joined forces with Michelle Levigne to create Ye Olde Dragon Books, a small publishing coop in Christian fantasy and science fiction. In their first year, they have co-edited two anthologies, and written a third one themselves. When Your Beauty IS the Beast, Moonlight & Claws, and Two Olde Dragons Writing Wyrd StoriesMs. Cullins Smith hopes that this to make this the first of many books about Mina Harker's adventures, featuring significant historical figures and events as time marches on. Her next story will continue the saga of Billy the Kid, which she began in the anthology Moonlight and Claws with the story "Habitations of Violence" . Her love of historical research makes these books challenging, as she is devoted to maintaining as much historical accuracy as possible while sliding things sideways to suggest that a few characters might be more than we gave them credit for! (No disrespect intended.)Ms. Cullins Smith is the grandmother of twelve, avid dog lover, and still loves working with handicrafts of all sorts, from knitting and crocheting to cross-stitch and beadwork.You can find her on Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon Author, and MeWe.