Roger Mendoza lives in San Antonio, Texas, the seventh largest city in the United States. In 2014, he moved back to his birth town from Parker, Colorado where he had lived for fifteen years. Living on the outskirts of San Antonio, he still enjoys the taste of the rural life that he loves so much and the many conveniences that the big city provides. He worked most of his life as a Software Engineer in the defense industry where he cultivated his passion for computer programming but is now retired. Along with writing novels, Roger is also a professional photographer and can often be seen toting his camera looking for photo opportunities in and around town. He loves to capture nature photography and beautiful scenery. He was born eighth in a family of ten children. There were five boys and five girls with an age span of about twenty-three years. With a fascination for his family history, he has spent years gathering his parent's family photographs and documents. He has catalogued the family's collections and digitized them all. He loves keeping the family tree database updated with new family members as they are born. Roger loves to review the thousands of family photographs and documents while imagining what these people - these relatives were like. Roger has always had an interest in understanding the philosophy of life, why people act the way they do and how we all fit into the grander scheme of life itself. He still believes in 'happy endings', even though life often gets in the way of that outcome on occasion. He's always had a fascination for unusual phenomena - the most being the drama of life itself. It still amazes him why so much drama fills the life of his friends and family. Perhaps it is observing that drama that sparks his imagination and gives his characters life..