8 books • 2 series
Sun Tzu lived in China in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, serving as a general and strategist to the king of Wu. A philosopher and writer, his military stratagems, written over 2,500 years ago, are still pertinent today.
The Book of War
L'art de la guerre de Sun Zi - Bibliotheque des classiques chinois
Sun Tzu on the Art of War: The Oldest Military Treatise in the World
The Art of War: By Sunzi (Sun Tzu)
The Art of War (Illustrated Library of Chinese Classics, #5)
Sun Tzu
Sun Zi: The Art of War, Sun Bin: The Art of War
Da Zhong Hua Wen Ku Sun Zi Bing Fa*Sun Bin Bing Fa (the Art of War, Sun Binthe Art of WarLibrary of Chinese Classics)