11 books
Phoenix VR
Steam in and around Eastleigh
Die Again
The Precedency and Pre-Eminency of Christ as God-Man, in All the Purposes, or Ways and Works of God, Asserted; ... by T.G
The Flowers of Parnassus; Or, the Lady's Miscellany, for the Year M. DCC. XXXV Containing Great Variety of Original Pieces in Prose and Verse and Many Curious Particulars Publish'd Since the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty-Four
The Saints Comfort in All But More Especially in Evil Times. Drawn from Twelve Several Texts of Scripture; Which Are Briefly Explained in This Small Piece. by T. G. Minister of the Gospel. (1685)
Every One's Interest in the South-Sea Examined; And by Rules of Justice and Equity Settled, to Their Reciprocal and Mutual Advantage.
An Appeal to the Scriptures, Concerning the Assurance of Faith
A Description of the Isle of Thanet, and Particularly of the Town of Margate
A Description of the Isle of Thanet, and Particularly of the Town of Margate; With an Account of the Accommodations Provided There for Strangers; With a Description of Sandwich, Deal
Two Proposals for Raising 1,250,000 L. for the Current Service of the Year 1729. and for Appropriating the Produce of the Sinking Fund. ... and for Appropriating the Produce of the Sinking Fund.