8 books
Memoir of the Dangers and Ice in the North Atlantic Ocean (Classic Reprint)
The Way to Avoid the Centre of Our Violent Gales (Classic Reprint)
Le Pilote Cotier Des Etats-Unis, de E. Et G. Blunt - Primary Source Edition
The American Coast Pilot from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida together with the courses and distances from Cape Cod and Cape Ann to George's Bank. Corrected and improved.Ninth edition.
The American Coast Pilot from Passamaquoddy, Through the Gulf of Florida, Together with the Courses and Distances from Cape Cod and Cape Ann to George's Bank.. Corrected and Improved. Ninth Edition.
The Way to Avoid the Centre of Our Violent Gales
Memoir of the Dangers and Ice in the North Atlantic Ocean
The American Coast Pilot