Author or co-author of several books of poetry, exploratory prose, and fiction, Dan Beachy-Quick's Tupelo volumes are MULBERRY (2006), THIS NEST, SWIFT PASSERINE (2009), CIRCLE'S APPRENTICE (2011), GENTLESSNESS (2015), and ARROWS (2020). Other recent titles include: AN IMPENETRABLE SCREEN OF PUREST SKY (Coffee House Press, 2013), WORK FROM MEMORY: IN RESPONSE TO IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME BY MARCEL PROUST (with co-author Matthew Goulish) (Ahsahta Press, 2012), and CONVERSITIES (with co-author Srikanth Reddy) (1913 Press, 2012). His work has been supported by the Lannan Foundation, and he has taught at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Colorado State University.