Martin Webb (Hampshire, UK) is a Java Technical Consultant for a large telecommunications company in the UK, although he spends a lot of his time web enabling systems and writing JavaScript and HTML code. Martin is the founder of the successful, a non-profit Web site devoted to the discussion of Web-related technologies (particularly JavaScript). Martin also writes Web development articles for and and served as a co-author on O'Reilly's Designing with JavaScript: Creating Dynamic Web pages, 2/e.

Michael Plungjan has been full-time in computing since 1986, and since 1995 his work has been concentrated on Inter/Intranet technologies, including JavaScript, (D)HTML, Java, CGI, XML, and XSL. Michel also maintains the Q&A area of

Keith Drakard (London, UK) is a principal coder for a leading web development company in the UK, tying Cold Fusion and PHP functionality to SQL databases and building templates for easily maintainable websites. Keith is also an editor at