Lawrence Schiffman, Ph.D. is the Judge Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University. He is a specialist in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Judaism in Late Antiquity, the history of Jewish law, and Talmudic literature. He currently serves as the Director of the Global Network for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies. His publications include 15 books and over 200 articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism.

Jerry Pattengale, Ph.D. is a scholar, researcher, author, and speaker. He currently serves as the Executive Director of Education at Museum of the Bible, where he oversees an international team of academics, writers, researchers, media specialists, and editors developing a Bible curriculum for students. He also directs, is an associate publisher for Christian Scholar's Review and serves on the boards of Religion News Service and Yale University's Jonathan Edwards Center.