Barbara Gilbert was born in Ft Jackson SC. She has lived in numerous locations around the U.S to include Ft Hood TX, Bonner Montana, and Kennewick WA and now Easton, MD. She graduated from Kennewick high school in 1985. She and entered the United States Air Force in July 1985. Her USAF career started as an Administrator, then Information Manager, to Aerospace Systems Warning Operator (tracking missiles and other threats). After a medical retirement she worked at RadioShack, then moved over to an IT position at a Marketing company supplying condiments to the US Commissary Service Worldwide and finally opening her own computer consulting, sales, and service company with her husband. As a spare-time project while running an IT department and family consulting firm she had two boys. While still running the family business she was offered a teaching position at a Charter High School. Changing career tracks again, she became a teacher of English, computer apps, computer repair, consumer math, principles of business, physics, and earth science. In the Public-School System, she taught computer apps, business, E-commerce, and Web Design. Moving back to her spiritual home in Montana she again taught Earth Science and Computer Applications (MAC), until a second medical disability ended her teaching career. Her hobbies in (prize winning) photography, painting, Ham Radio, SCUBA Diving, and a host of other interests keep her busy on Good Days, and she manages to get by on the bad ones. Writing got started with a NaNoWriMo challenge to her sons and seems to have led her to yet another success. The Ex - Ted Hall