16 books
Revel for How the World Works
Blackboard Test Item File (Download Only) for How the World Works
Instructor's Resource Manual and Test Bank (Download Only) for How the World Works
WebCT Test Item File (Download Only) for How the World Works
How the World Works & New Mypoliscilab with Pearson Etext -- Standalone Access Card -- For International Package
Instructor's Review Copy for How the World Works
How the World Works: A Brief Survey of International Relations plus MyPoliSciKit Access Card
How the World Works Plus MyPoliSciKit Pack
Exam Copy for Readings on How the World Works
Test Item File for Blackboard (WebCT) Vista/Campus Edition (Download only) for How the World Works
Readings on How the World Works
How the World Works
Instructor's Manual & Test Bank (Download only) for How the World Works
MyTest Test Bank for How the World Works
PowerPoint Presentation (Download only) for How the World Works