When Dr. Cynthia Miller was five years old, her Dad left for thirteen months to oversee the construction of the world's first hydrogen bomb. She imagined exploding bombs spewing nuclear radiation all over the earth, merging into the water, soaking into the earth, dusting all the plants. She couldn't see how to separate the radiation from everything it touched. One night at dinner she asked her father, Who will clean up the mess? She was sent to her room for speaking up. She was little and a girl, and she knew her voice would never be heard. That night, something inside her snapped that ignited a life-long search to create a better world for all, beyond radiation, war, and bombs. In 1974, a few days after a near-death experience, a lightening bolt of energy ascended up Dr. Cynthia's spine and erupted out the top of her head. Luminosity and radiance filled the air; colors appeared brighter, fuller, having more depth and substance. From one moment to the next, that infinitesimal slice of time between two breaths, her whole existence was permanently catapulted into another realm. One moment and an extraordinary life switched on at the very core of her being, nervous system, and brain. Looking down on her arm she can 'see' the consciousness within her body. This awareness is not limited to her body, she can see into other people's bodies. With the tremendous jolt of her Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening, massive sexual energy was ignited, along with a deep longing for spiritual truth. The erotic and spiritual energies were each intensified with an incredible deep passion and longing. Weaving together sacred and sexual energies has evolved over the past four decades. As part of her search, she received a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and the Psychology of Change in 1985 from Union Institute and University. For over thirty-two years, she has guided thousands of women and developed proven technologies, based on quantum physics and multi-dimensional seeing, that create amazing life-lasting change. Dr. Cynthia's first clients were sexually abused women, who all dramatically changed their lives to experience more joy and love. Then her work evolved to assist women to energetically re-wire connecting their essence and soul, and radically shift their lives for the better. Now Dr. Cynthia's Pussy Soul work integrates body, mind, and spirit in profound ways to assist women to live full-on juicy lives. The first step is for women to claim their amazing self-worth. Dr. Cynthia's vision is to birth a new reality, beyond war, fear, hatred, and greed, by empowering women to claim their power, fulfill their purpose, all while following luscious pleasure. When a critical mass of women embody a higher frequency so that love and joy, rather than fear, influences their lives, the entire world will change.