Kennon A. Keith was born in April 1980 in Los Angeles California. His parents raised him with strong Christian Values and always taught him if he had faith the size of a mustard size, he can move mountains. (Matthew 17:20). He attended South Pasadena High School where he discovered his love of writing, however, most stories he read did not interest him. It was only when he could let his creativity soar, that he found his groove. He wrote stories that he wanted to read and when that occurred, he found that he could write for hours on end uninterrupted. In 2006, he finally enrolled in college and earned both a BS/BA and MBA in Global Business. During his time in college, he began to write again, and his passion was reignited. His writing style is very detailed and graphic. His work is not for children or for the faint of heart, but every word has a purpose, every decision a reason, and every character a destiny. Go in with your mind as a blank canvas, and let him paint the picture.