Elizabeth Robin retired to Hilton Head Island after a 33-year teaching career to devote herself to writing. She began with Becoming Mrs. L, a still unpublished teaching memoir. She started a children's book series; Gracie Learns English and Gracie's Secret World currently seek a publisher. Then she found poetry as a response and outlet to a fresh grief, watching her brother battle acute myeloid leukemia for 27 months. Her first poem, "A Lowcountry Path" was published in a local magazine January, 2015. A poet of witness and discovery, she relates both true and fictional stories about her Lowcountry present and world-traveling past. Writing offers her a lens to view the world, and a strategy to thrive within its madness. She straddles both through a non-fiction series she calls Life in Third Person and the poetry of Silk Purses and Lemonade. "Life in the Pink Palace" chronicles in prose a week she spent in an ICU waiting room hoping her son would survive. He did. "Beware of Flying Pigs" navigates similar emotions in a poem. While many find faith carries them, Robin pins hope to compassion, sheer will, and the integrity in acceptance. Her work appears in The Fourth River, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, I am not a silent poet, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Curly Mind, The Skinny Journal and locally in The Breeze and the Island Writers' Network's Time and Tide. See more at www.elizabethrobin.com.