18 books • 3 series
Friedrich Engels: Young Revolutionary
Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great
Industrial Britain Under the Regency
J.C. Fischer and his Diary of Industrial England
The German Colonial Empire 1884-1919
Marx and Engels and the English Workers
Manufactories in Germany
The Genesis of the Common Market
Friedrich Engels
Britain and Industrial Europe, 1750-1870
Lancashire Cotton Famine, 1861-65 (Modern Revivals in Economic & Social History S.)
The Industrialization of Europe, 1780-1914 (Library of European Civilization)
The Zollverein
J. C. Fischer and his Diary of Industrial England 1814–51
Germany 1815-1945 (Die kleinen de Gruyter-Bande, #2)
Studies in German Colonial History
Industrial Revolution on the Continent
State and Industrial Revolution in Prussia, 1740-1870