Lilly Maytree is an inspirational adventure novelist who decided to prove to herself that some of the things her characters did could be done in real life. A decision that sent her careening along on a very long voyage through the Inside Passage to Alaska with her captain husband aboard a sailboat called the Glory B.She eventually ended up on a faraway island that was so beautiful she never went home. She lives there on a float house, tucked into a little cove in the wilderness, with the Glory B tied up alongside, ready for more adventures. Which she loves sharing with readers. It has even been said that she time-travels (but that's probably just a rumor). To find out what she's doing right now, simply visit: LillyMaytree.comYou can also get in touch with her by sending an email to: It might take a few days if she is adventuring far away... but she always comes back sooner or later.