29 books • 9 series
Legends or Lies? (Unsolved History) (History's Mysteries)
Perplexing People (Unsolved History) (History's Mysteries)
Enigmatic Events (History's Mysteries) (Unsolved History)
Debatable Deaths (History's Mysteries) (Unsolved History)
Second Sight
Shakespeare's Spy (Shakespeare Stealer)
The Shakespeare Stealer Series
Year of the Hangman
Wild Timothy
Shakespeare's Scribe (Shakespeare Stealer)
Highwaymen (Bad Guys)
Bad Guys
Pirates (Bad Guys)
Swindlers (Bad Guys)
Gangsters (Bad Guys)
Outlaws (Bad Guys)
Life in a Medieval Castle (The way people live)
Shakespeare Stealer (Shakespeare Stealer)
Extraordinary Events and Oddball Occurrences (Secrets of the Unexplained)
Spooky Spectres (Secrets of the Unexplained)
Secrets of the Unexplained Boxed Set (Future Science)
Long-Ago Lives (Secrets of the Unexplained)
Fateful Forebodings (Secrets of the Unexplained)