Jayne graduated from Southampton Solent University in 2010 with a BA (Hons) in Writing Contemporary Fiction. Before this her main focus was on writing poetry (some of this was published with Forward Press in certain anthologies). University taught her much about different genres and styles, but writing erotica struck a particular chord. Today she writes mostly short stories, as well as full length novels and poetry.
She is currently exploring `custom written’ stories and have often writes for friends as gifts. In her day job she works at an outside interest store, and she loves spending her spare time hiking and hillwalking. Other interests besides erotica include live music, arts and crafts, and keeping fit.

Jayne is from Portsmouth, but takes a lot of her inspiration from London and especially Cornwall, where she hopes to live someday

Find Jayne at:
Her blog: www.jazzyjwritersblock.wordpress.com

Her Twitter: https://twitter.com/starshine1988

Her Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jaz.wheatley