61 books • 6 series
The Knights Templar Code (The Templar Legacy, #4)
Das Vergessene Grab der Tempelritter (Das Vermächtnis Der Tempelritter, #2)
The Malachi Circle
Mystery of the Ancient Sword
The Ghost Fields
The Lost City of El Dorado
Hunting the Dark Legion
Dinosaur Bones
Der Maya-Tempel
The Chameleon Code
Operation Buckingham (The Last Templars, #5)
The Lost Treasure of Thor (Order of the Black Sun, #40)
The Skull of Blackbeard
The Lazarus Effect (Olivia Newton, #5)
The Crypt of Cleopatra
The Quest for the Seven Golden Cities (Order of the Black Sun, #36)
King Solomon's Tomb (Olivia Newton, #4)
The Da Vinci Machine (Order of the Black Sun, #35)
The Nostradamus Scrolls (Order of the Black Sun, #34)
Poseidon's Secret
The Sword of Julius Caesar (Order of the Black Sun, #32)
The Tomb of Genghis Khan (Order of the Black Sun, #31)
The Mayan Temple (Order of the Black Sun, #30)
The Templar Curse (Order of the Black Sun, #29)