22 books
Highland Community Springfield Massachusetts
City Charter and Amendments, and Special Statutes; City Ordinances, Rules and Orders of the Board of Aldermen and of the Common Council, and the Joint Rules and Orders of the City Council of the City of Springfield
The Springfield Survey
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Springfield, Revised and Registered by the City Council, in the Year 1851; With the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Illinois; The Various Charters Of, and Laws Applicable to the Town and City of Sprin
Municipal Register of the City of Springfield
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Springfield; Together with the Constitution of the State of Illinois, the Charter of the City and Amendments Thereto, and Other Laws Affecting the City, Special Ordinances, and the Names of Members of the Municipal Governm
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Springfield, Approved December 21, 1904; With the City Charter, Amendments, Special Statutes, Rules and Orders for the Regulation of Hackney Carriages, Street Musicians, and Public Amusements, Rules and Orders of the Board
The Charter, with the Several Amendments Thereto; Various State Laws Relating to the City, and the Revised Ordinances of Springfield, Illinois
The First Century of the History of Springfield (Volume 1); The Official Records from 1636 to 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical Mention of the Founders
Amendments to the City Charter of the City of Springfield, Illinois; Approved Feb. 18, 1859, and Feb. 21, 1861. and Revised Ordinances, Passed Since 1
The First Century of the History of Springfield Volume 2; The Official Records from 1636 to 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical Mention of the Founders
The Springfield City Code; Comprising the Laws of the State of Illinois Relating to the Government of the City of Springfield, and the Ordinances of T
Ordinances of the City of Springfield of a General and Permanent Nature in Force October 1, 1880
Laws Applicable to and Governing the City of Springfield, Greene County, Missouri; As a City of the Third Class, Contained in the Session Acts of 1893, and Subsequent Legislative Enactments Also the General Ordinances Now in Force, Revised and Made to Con
Annual Report of the Town Officers of the Town of Springfield, VT. for the Year Ending
Springfield, 1636-1886
The First Century of the History of Springfield (Volume 2); The Official Records from 1636 to 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical
The First Century of the History of Springfield (Volume 1); The Official Records from 1636 to 1736, with an Historical Review and Biographical
The Centennial Celebration of Springfield, Ohio
The Revised Ordinances of the City of Springfield, Approved December 21, 1904, with the City Charter, Amendments, Special Statutes, Rules and
The Centennial Celebration of Springfield, Ohio; Held August 4th to 10th, 1901