21 books • 6 series
As If Everything Were A Miracle
A Little Book of House Blessings
Winged Wonders
The Soul of Wit
Class, the Labour-Process and Work (ESA844 Administrative context of schooling)
Here are the People
The Good Samaritan and Other Parables (Redwing Books)
High Tech, Low Tech and Education
Story of the W and Z
Agency and Structure (ESA844 Administrative context of schooling)
A Book of Animals
Class, Control and Contestation in Educational Organisation (ESA841 Theory & practice in educational administration)
Eric Liddell (Blackbird S.)
Eric Liddell, Born to Run (Blackbird Books)
A Book of Prayers
The Sixth Form College in Practice (Teaching Matters S.)
David and the Giant
Here's the Year
Here's the Church
The Devil