19 books
Lexicon Atriale Latino-Latinum
Memoires Sur La Ville de Gand (2)
The Mineral Wealth of Alabama and Birmingham Illustrated
Frelon; Journal Mensuel D'Entomologie Descriptive, Exclusivement Consacre A L'Etude Des Coleopteres D'Europe Et Des Pays Voisins (4-5 )
Der Siebenjahrige Krieg, 1756-1763 (6 )
Lettres Sur La Danse, Sur Les Ballets Et Les Arts (2 )
Systeme Social; Avec Un Examen de L'Influence Du Gouvernement Sur Les Moeurs (1-3)
Zentralblatt Fuer Chirurgie (22)
The Postal Clerk; Organ of the United National Association of Post Office Clerks of the United States Volume 6
Trim; Its Ecclesiastical Ruins, Its Castle, Etc.
Division of Ethnology Publications Volume 1
The Red Book; The Directory of East Africa, Uganda & Zanzibar
Des Fra Paolini Da San Bartolomeo Reise Nach Ostindien
Confucius Sinarum Philosophus, Sive; Adiecta Tabula Chronologica Sinicae Monarchiae
Reports of the President's Homes Commission Appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt Volume 1-4
Report of Committee on Social Betterment
Stenographic Report of the Proceedings
Congressional Edition Volume 4980