56 books
Essentials of Social Psychology Powerpoints on the web
Essentials of Social Psychology with MyPsychLab Access Card
Essentials of Social Psychology
Online Course Pack:Biological Psychology/Companion Website with GradeTracker:Student Access Card:Biological Psychology/Social Psychology/Social Psychology 5/e Student Access Cards (MyPsychKit)/Cognitive Psychology
Online Course Pack:Social Psychology/Social Psychology 5/e Student Access Cards (MyPyschKit)
Online Course Pack:Social Psychology/Social Psychology 5/e Student Access Cards (MyPsychKit)/APS:Current Directions in Social Psychology
Online Course Pack:Biopsychology (with Beyond the Brain and Behavior CD-ROM)(Book Alone):Int Ed/Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods:Int Ed/Cognitive Psychology:Applying the Science of the Mind/Social Psychology/OneKey CC Acc Crd:Hogg Social Psy
Online Course Pack:Lifespan Development:International Edition/Social Psychology/Social Psychology 5/e Student Access Cards (MyPsychKit)/MyDevelopmentLab CourseCompass with E-Book Student Access Code Card
Valuepack:Biopsychology (with Beyond the Brain & Behaviour CD-ROM)/Statistics for Psychology:Int Ed/Introduction to Behavioural Research Methods/Cognitive Psychology/Social Psychology/OneKey CourseCompass Access Card:Hogg Social Psych
Valuepack:Statistics for Psychology:US Ed/Biopsychology (with beyond the Brain and Behavior CD-ROM)US Ed/Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods:Int Ed/Cognitive Psychology:Applying the Science of the Mind/Social Psychology/OK CC Access
Online Course Pack:Social Psychology/OneKey CourseCompass Access Card:Hogg Social Psychology 4e/Foundations of Biopsychology
Valuepack:Biopsychology (With beyond the Brain & Behaviour CD-ROM) (book alone):Int Ed/Statistics for Psychology:Int Ed/Introduction to Behavioural Research Methods:Int Ed/Cognitive Psychology/Social Psychology/Onekey CC Access Card:Soc Psych 4e
Online Course Pack: Physiology of behaviour: International edition/Social Psychology /personality, individual differnces and intelligence/ onekey coursecompass access card: Hogg social psychology 4e
valuepack:Child Development/My DevelopmentLab CourseCompss Student Access Code Card/Social Psychology with OneKey Blackboard Access Card Hgg/Biological Psycology 2nd Edition with Companion Wensite GradeTracker :Student Access Card
Online Course pack: Physiology of Behaviour : International Edition /Social Psychology/ Onekey CourseCompass Access Card:
Online Course Pack:Foundations of Physiological Psychology:Int Ed/Lifespan Development:Int Ed/Cognition:Int Ed/Psychology/MyPsychLab CourseCompass Access Card:martin, Psychology 3e Soc Psychology/OKCC
Valuepack: Social Psychology with OneKey Blackboard Access Card Hogg/Biological Psychology 2nd edition with Companion website GradeTracker: Student Access Card
Valuepack:Child Development (Book Alone):International Edition with MyDevelopmentLab Website Student Starter Kit and Hogg:Social Psychology p4 with OneKey CourseCompass Access Card: Hogg Social Psychology 4e
OneKey Coursecompass: Hogg, Social Psychology 4e
Online Course Pack: Social Psychology with OneKey Blackboard Access Card Hogg: Social Psychology 4e
OneKey Blackboard: Hogg Social Psychology 4e
OneKey WebCT: Hogg Social Psychology 4e
Multi Pack: Social Psychology with Classic Readings
Multi Pack: Social Psychology 3e with Current Directions in Social Psychology