Barry is a member of the Professional Speaking Association and a former President of Toastmasters International Speakers' Club (Cheltenham). He has achieved the Gold Standard Toastmasters level. He has aquired qualifications as a Personality Profiler (D.I.S.C. system) as well as a qualification in Psychometric Testing (Trait system, Aston University, Birmingham). Most recently, Barry has been awarded a Master Coach certificate. His job market strategies are backed by many years reserach. This research has included interviews with corporate executives from companies including Rolls-Royce Aerospace, Land-Rover-Jaguar and Barclay's Bank.He has "mock interviewed" over 3,000 students in schools from Bristol to Birmingham, Swindon to Hereford. Following interactive workshops in schools, Barry has been decsribed by students as "The coach who rocks" and "A legend." Feedback from teachers has included comment that .".. the best speaker our students have had on any subject."