47 books
How Does Produced Water Cause a Reduction in the Genetic Diversity of Harpacticoid Copepods?
Socioeconomic and Environmental Issues Analysis of Oil and Gas Activity on the Outer Continental Shelf og the Western Gulf of Mexico
Boating Uses, Economic Significance, and Information Inventory for North Carolina's Offshore Area, " The Point" Volume 3
Explosive Removal of Offshore Structures
Deepwater Observations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico from In-situ Current Meters and PIES
Economic Impact in the U.S. of Deepwater Projects
Changing Patterns of Ownership and Control in the Petroleum Industry
Offshore Petroleum Platforms
Refining and Revising the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region High- Probability Model for Historic Shipwrecks Final Report Volume 3
Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana
Wind and Eddy-Related Circulation on the Louisiana/Texas Shelf and Slope Determined from Satellite and In-Situ Meassurements
Investigation of Pressure and Pressure Gradients along the Louisiana/ Texas Inner Shelf and Their Relationships to Wind Forcing and Current Variability
The Deep Sea Gulf of Mexico
National Scenic and Historic Trails Strategy and Work Plan
Improved Geohazards and Benthic Habitat Evaluations
Supply Network for Deepwater Oil and Gas Development in the Gulf of Mexico
Subsurface, High-Speed Current Jets in the Deepwater Region of the Gulf of Mexico
Assessment of Historical, Social, and Economic Impacts of OCS Development on Gulf Coast Communities, Volume2
Socioeconomic Baseline and Projections of the Impact of an OCS Onshore Base for Selected Florida Panhandle Communities
Across-Shelf Larval, Postlarval, and Juvenile Fish Collected at Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms and Coastal Rock Jetty West of the Mississippi River Delta
Strong Mid-Depth Currents and a Deep Cyclonic Gyre in the Gulf of Mexico
Intermediate Depth Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico
Preparation of an Interactive Key for Northern Gulf of Mexico Polychaete Taxonomy Employing the Delta/Intkey System
Sperm Whale Seismic Study in the Gulf of Mexico