Dr. S.N. Mishra (b. 1935) is a well known name for his pioneering contributions to economics of livestock in India. One of his early papers published in Kyklos (1966) became the source of a lively controversy among economists and authropologists on surplus cattle in India. His first book, Livestock Planning in India (1978), which grew out of his doctoral thesis has been acclaimed as a classic by economists and animal scientists alike. His second book (with R.K. Sharma), Livestock Development in India: An Appraisal (1990) is another widely quoted text. He is responsible for formulating the environmental model in the present book. And, as a sequel to it Dr. Mishra is currently engaged in a major collaborative project on India's Livestock Feed Balance and Its Environmental Implications. Much of Dr. Mishra's professional career has been spent at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, of which he was director during 1990-5. He has had several visiting assignments at such prestigious institutions abroad, such as the Centre for Development Planning, Erasmus University, Ecol Pratique de Haute Eutdies Sorbonne, Institute of Developing Economies, University of Tokyo and Hosei University. At these universities Dr. Mishra gave courses on Indian economic development, development economics and comparative economic systems respectively.