17 books
The Antiquities of the Jews
Our Young Folks' Josephus. the Antiquities of the Jews and the Jewish Wars of Flavius Josephus - War College Series
Our Young Folks' Josephus. the Antiquities of the Jews and the Jewish Wars of Flavius Josephus - Scholar's Choice Edition
de Bello Judaico - Der Judische Krieg
Opera... Volume 4
The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 1
The Works of Flavius Josephus
The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 5
The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 2
Complete Works of Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews; The Wars of the Jews Against Apion, Etc., .. Volume 4
Histoire de La Guerre Des Juifs Contre Les Romains (1 )
Histoire de la Guerre Des Juifs Contre Les Romains, Volume 2
The Works of Josephus
Oeuvres Completes Volume 5
Opera Omnia V1-2 (1855)
Our Young Folks' Josephus. the Antiquities of the Jews and the Jewish Wars of Flavius Josephus
The New Complete Works of Josephus