15 books
Washington's Birthday
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington and the West
Washington and the West; Being George Washington's Diary of September, 1784, Kept During His Journey Into the Ohio Basin in the Interest of a Commerci
Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, During the American Revolution
Monuments of Washington's Patriotism; Containing a Facsimile of His Public Accounts, Kept During the Revolutionary War; And Some of the Most Interesti
Maxims of Washington; Political, Social, Moral, and Religious
The Daily Journal of Major George Washington, in 1751-2, Kept While on a Tour from Virginia to the Island of Barbadoes, with His Invalid Brother, Maj.
The Washington-Crawford Letters. Being the Correspondence Between George Washington and William Crawford, from 1767 to 1781, Concerning Western Lands
Facsimiles of Letters from His Excellency George Washington, President of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M.P., on Agricultural and Other Interesting Topics; Engraved from the Original Letters, So as to Be an Exact Facsimile...
The Agricultural Papers of George Washington
Letters and Recollections of George Washington; Being Letters to Tobias Lear and Others Between 1790 and 1799, Showing the First American in the Manag
The American Political Classics
Records of the Revolutionary War
The Writings of George Washington; Being His Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and Other Papers, Official and Private Volume 10