Mahmud A. Shareef is currently a research associate, Ontario Research Network for Electronic Commerce (ORNEC), Ottawa, Canada. He is also a PhD candidate in Management of the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He received his graduate degree from both the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in Business Administration and Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada in civil engineering. His research interest is focused on quality management of e-commerce and e-government. He has published more than 30 papers addressing adoption and quality issues of e-commerce and egovernment in different refereed conference proceedings and international journals. He is the author of 2 book chapters in information technology handbook and has published 2 reputed books on quality management issues. He is an internationally recognized information technology (IT) consultant and has presented seminal papers in IT seminars. He was the recipient of more than 10 academic awards including 2 Best Research Paper Awards in the UK and Canada.