Dr. Vinod Polpaya Bhattathiripad has been a cyber forensic consultant to police, judiciary, intelligence, and banks in India generally on civil / criminal cases related to cyber abuses and specifically on cases related to software copyright infringement, since 2007. As a software engineer, he has worked in 148 software development projects spanning 18 years. He has been a technical committee member of several digital crime and forensics conferences in Asia, Europe and the USA. He has published internationally on software piracy and copyright infringement forensics and is the developer of POSAR, a protocol for the forensics of software copyright infringement. His doctoral thesis is on forensics of software copyright infringement. He is a reviewer of several journals and conference proceedings on digital crime and forensics, across the world. His side interests and hobbies keep him in Kozhikode in the southern Indian state of Kerala, known for its Vedic traditions, its lush greenery, its plentifully abundant coconut palms, its lagoons, and its spices.